Let there be light

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Our world is filled with inequity, problems, and pain -- but as Christians, we can share the light of Christ amid the darkness of fear and despair.

small candle burning in open hand

Is it normal to have doubts about your faith?

In this #Nunday video, Sister Karen Ann Lortscher, OSB, shares her wisdom for anyone doubting their faith.

Her chosen star

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It was in a community college parking lot that Sister Anne-Louise Nadeau received a piece of wisdom that continues to sustain her to this very day.

lake under starry night sky

Emerging from the dark night

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When the foundation of your life is a loving and living God, the difficulties and even moments of falling become an opportunity for experiencing His mercy and closeness.

Sr. Teodozija Myroslava Mostepaniuk makes her final profession as a Sister of the Order of St. Basil the Great (Province of St. Michael the Archangel, Croatia)

Entrust all to the mercy of the Lord

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Our compassionate God embraces all and brings comfort and healing in his way and time.

one person holds another person's hands